Plymouth Personal Trainer | My Healthy Obsession

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Plymouth Personal Trainer Tips on A Successful Weight Loss Challenge

What does it take to experience a successful weight loss challenge? As a personal trainer located in Plymouth, MN I've personally competed in and run challenges for my clients. And in every challenge, I've observed the key habits that help participants achieve success on their goals throughout the challenge. 

1. Remember Why You Started

My goal for the Healthy Obsession Challenge is to help you execute your healthiest week, 6 weeks in a row.  How do we do that? We start with our why.  Why did you sign up for the challenge in the first place? Was your goal to be healthier? Lose weight?  Discover the energy to play with your kids?  Whatever your motivation was to press yes and enter the challenge, remind yourself daily this is why you started. 

2. New is tougher than familiar

If you've been with us from the beginning, you are currently in week 2 of the challenge. The reality is that new things are tougher than what's familiar. It would be easy to go back to your old patterns. Instead, remind yourself that is going be tough but worth it.  Take this six week period as a time to try new things, get moving and experience results. You can't become who you've never been before without doing things you've never done before. 

3. Make a plan and stick to it!

The best way to be successful in any fitness challenge is to make a plan and stick to it.  Take the time each week to sit down and plan your meals, your snacks and your workout schedule. Do some meal prep on Sunday so you're not caught off guard when life gets crazy busy.  Prepare some go-to snacks and meals that you can just grab and have with you when that meeting goes long. Commit ahead of time to when and how you will work out.

After you've made all those plans - don't forget to stick to them. Stick you meal plan on your fridge. Put your workouts in your phone. And execute your healthiest week six weeks in a row for a more fit and healthy you!